– Advertising experts say more people are interested in buying Chevrolet cars and trucks due to clever and targeted advertising and innovative digital campaigns tied to Super Bowl XLVI.
According to the CNBC/Collective Intellect Super Sunday Ad Tracker research conducted before, during and after the game, Chevrolet came in first in purchase language – language that suggests a consumers’ intent to purchase a product based on the advertising. Chevrolet beat out all of the other brands that also advertised during the Super Bowl by a comfortable margin.
“Our strategy was to reach far beyond the in-game spots, and extend the conversation about Chevy cars and trucks through multiple digital efforts before, during and, importantly, after the game,” said General Motors Global Chief Marketing Officer Joel Ewanick. “In the end, brand exposure and purchase consideration is what this is all about, and these results show Chevrolet nailed it.
To view all of Chevrolet’s Super Bowl ads visit: http://www.youtube.com/Chevrolet