Born: Santa Clara, California and now live in Cedar Rapids.
Pets: 2 dogs and a cat. Their names are Cali Love, Rosie Love, and Ash.
Hobbies: Racing (simulators and go karting)
First job: I was a lot attendant on my dads car lot. Loved it!
Career: My career has been years of helping people and loving cars.
Something that would surprise others: I am good at racing (cars, go karts).
Why did you want to be an Emerging Leader: To make myself a more valuable asset.
Proud accomplishment: Moving from California to become successful in Iowa.
Passion that gets you fired up: My daughter!
Who do you admire: Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO and motivational speaker.
Something you want to do before you die: Race around the Nuburgring.
Definition of happiness: Good food, fast cars, good friends.
Favorite piece of advice: You can only control yourself. Remember this always.
What do you hope to achieve at McGrath: I want to build a future for my family.