Born: Fairfield, Iowa and currently lives in Marion.
Family/Pets: I have 3 sisters, 1 brother, and my dog.
Hobbies: I love to play soccer, baseball, spend time with friends, and travel.
Why did you want to become an emerging leader: Being a part of the future of McGrath, better leadership qualities, to grow with the company.
Something about you that would surprise others: I played collegiate soccer.
Something you want to do before you die: Travel to Egypt.
Passion that gets you fired up: Coworkers: overall competitive and empowering team.
Someone you admire: KM takes any challenge and does her best 100%.
Definition of happiness: Overwhelming feeling of great well-being & joy!
Personal Motto: “Be the one who’s different”
Proud accomplishment: Top sales in district per captia (last job).
Piece of advice for others: Remember right now, where you’re at right now. It may not be where you want to be, but you’ll look back and remember how happy you are in the moment.
First job you had: Housekeeper at a local hotel and loved it!
What has your career looked like so far: 18 months of tremendous growth in this company!
What do you hope to achieve at McGrath? To further my career being a part of the future of a company that us such a huge part of the community.