Hey there Women of McGrath! We hope you are all having a fantastic summer. In case you missed it, Jessie Owens was our lucky winner of a gift card to Elevate Salon for our 30 day self-care challenge!
Fitness Classes!
Exciting news! Our very own Becca Gardner, is teaching a new yoga class at the McGrath Fitness Center! The class is every Tuesday at 6:30pm. There are so many great benefits and you can get to know another great lady of McGrath! Don’t forget that we also have Audrey McGrath teaching a Pelaton class at 6am on Monday’s and Body Pump Tabata at 6am on Wednesday’s.

August Theme: Perspective!
This month we will continue with Life Coaching and the theme is perspective! If you didn’t do the first month, no need to worry, you can still watch the video and join us! We will be meeting Friday, August 2nd at 7:30am at Roasters across from Buick GMC Cadillac. We highly encourage any of our McGrath ladies to join in regardless of whether or not you are participating in life coaching. We are here to support each other and empower one another!
30 Days of Gratitude Challenge
This month we will also be do 30 days of gratitude this month! Research has shown that gratitude increases happiness and reduces depression, among many other great things! This month we want you to write down something you are grateful for each day in the 30 day calendar. Writing it down in the morning is a great way to set the mood for the day or take some time to reflect on your day in the evening! Let’s throw gratitude around like it is confetti this month. Share them on our McGrath Women’s Network Facebook page or share them with Emma Conroy!