It is October which means this month it is all about owning your future! Our focus will be on nutrition and sleep to be healthy and strong.
Let’s first jump into the importance of sleep. Women should get 6-8 hours of sleep a night. Here are some helpful tips to change your routine to get more sleep.
- We know that can’t sleep in every day and it can be hard to get out of bed. Try going to bed 30 minutes earlier every night or setting a time to go to bed.
- Try to avoid technology before bed. The blue screen blocks melatonin which helps you to fall asleep.
- Have a hard time falling asleep because you have this endless list of things going through your mind? Try to journal and make lists so help clear your mind.
- Yoga, meditation, or mindfulness can help relax your mind and body before you sleep. Ahem, attend Becca’s yoga class on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm at the fitness center.
Nutrition is the second focus of the month! We know we have a lot of talented cooks at McGrath Auto so let’s share those delicious recipes or tips on how to stay healthy or east the stress of prepping! To get you started check out the recipe below!
Lettuce Wraps
This month we challenge you to cut 1-2 things out of your diet that aren’t healthy. Print off your 30 Days of Nutrition checklist so you can track your progress. Remember track your progress so you can turn it in at the end of the month to win a prize!
We highly encourage you to share your recipes and/or tips on our McGrath Women’s Network Facebook Page.
Don’t forget, you only have a couple more days to put your name in for the opportunity to go the a seminar called Purposeful Hustle:Direct Your Life’s Work Towards Making a Positive Impact with Deanna Singh. We only have 10 spots so please email emma.conroy@mcgrathauto.com and let her know if you are interested. Those selected will be announced Monday, October 7th!
Our next meeting will be on Friday October 18th over the lunch hour from 12-1pm. Bring a sack lunch and join us in the Buick Conference Room in Hiawatha. We hope to see you there!