Self-care is all the talk these days, so what does it mean and why is it so important? It is all about giving yourself compassion and and taking time for yourself. Becoming aware that your resources are running low and taking the step to replenish them are important steps to prevent burnout.
Who is ready for a little self love? You can’t see me, but I am waving both hands up in the air. This July, the McGrath Women’s Network are challenging each other and anyone else interested to make self-care a priority. Kick off self-care month by printing off the 30 day challenge. Hang it up where you will see it often to it serves as a reminder to take time for yourself. Women of McGrath can then take a picture of their completed checklist at the end of the month and send it to Emma to be entered to win a gift card.
Let’s keep each other motivated by sharing photos or stories of what you are doing to take care of you on our McGrath Women’s Network Facebook Page! Don’t have Facebook, but would still like to share? Just email your photos to Emma Conroy at emma.conroy@mcgrathauto.com. Take a look at all of the great ways we made self-care a priority last year and get inspired.

To help you learn more about self-care and how it can benefit you in multiple ways from mental health to your immune system, check out these a couple resources below.