Thursday, Nov.18th 9:30am – 10:30am
Pat McGrath Chevyland Sales Area
Staff from CarePro/A Avenue Pharmacy will be at Pat McGrath Chevyland on Thursday, November 18th from 9:30am to 10:30am to give flu shots. This is the seasonal flu shot which does contain H1N1 and other commonly seen strains this year. The cost to employees will only be $12.50 payroll deducted as the Company will be paying the other half of the cost.
Please sign up on one of the sign-up sheets around the company by November 12th so CarePro knows how much vaccine to bring.
Myth: “The flue isn’t a serious disease.”
Facts: Influenza (flu) is a serious disease of the nose, throat and lungs, and it can lead to pneumonia. Each year about 200,000 people in the U.S. are hospitalized and about 36,000 people die because of the flu.
Myth: “The flu shot can cause the flu.”
Facts: The flue shot cannot cause the flue. Some people get a little soreness or redness where they get the shot. It goes away in a day or two. Serious problems from the shot are very rare.
Myth: “The flu shoe does not work.”
Facts: Most of the time the flu shot will prevent the flu. In scientific studies, the effectiveness of the flu shot ranged from 70% to 90% when there is a good match between circulating viruses and those in the vaccine. Getting the vaccine is your best protection against the disease.
Myth: “The side effects are worse than the flu.”
Facts: The worst side effect you’re likely to get from a shot is a sore arm. The risk of a severe allergic reaction is less than 1 in 4 million.
For more information regarding the Influenza vaccine, ask your health care provider.
Flu vaccine is already in stock at A Avenue Pharmacy, you will not need to worry about a shortage issue this season.