‘Tis the season of giving! This year the Blue Star Mothers of Iowa (BSMI) are holding their Annual Holiday Care Package Drive. This is an opportunity to donate to a great cause and make someone’s life brighter!
Who are the Blue Star Mothers of Iowa?
The Blue Star Mothers of Iowa are women who have children serving in the Armed Forces. But that’s not all! The Blue Star Mothers spend untold hours prepping and sending care packages to deployed service members worldwide. These “little bits of home” are an opportunity for deployed soldiers to share in the community of the season–while still performing their duties so far away.
Commanding officers in the field will often contact BSMI, informing that they have a young service member not receiving any boxes or letters from home. Then the Blue Star Moms spring into action! These individuals soon receive a care package with a big blue star on the box, showing that good people from all around Iowa think about and support them.
The boxes have come to have meaning to the troops overseas. Whether the contents or just the thought alone, the Blue Star Moms of Iowa receive countless letters thanking them for the packages and the appreciation in knowing someone’s looking out for them.
The organization depends on generous donations and volunteer help to continue sending these care packages and notes from home.

When is the Annual Holiday Care Package Drive?
The Blue Star Moms of Iowa are requesting any and all assistance putting together these care packages. They encourage any interested parties to donate non-perishable items to make the holiday that much more special for service members who might not have someone at home to do it themselves. The deadline is November 13th so if you’re planning to help, make sure to get the items in soon!
This year, we are overjoyed to partner with the Blue Star Moms of Iowa and assist in the festivities. McGrath Auto is donating $500 to help cover costs of the items being shipped. This includes such non-perishable items as food (beef jerky, microwave popcorn and pudding cups) toiletries (pain relievers, razors, shampoo) and miscellaneous items (batteries, books, blankets).
Everyone deserves a bit of care, and those who are currently unable to obtain the creature comforts of home need all the support we can muster.
Want To Help?
For Donations: If you would like to donate, visit the Blue Star Mothers donation page!
If you would like to help with any of their drop zones or packaging events, please visit their Facebook page or email bluestarmothersia1@gmail.com!
I Know A Service Member Who Could Use One!
Friends, family and troops may request care packages by emailing the organization bluestarmothersia1@gmail.com and requesting a care package. It is essential that you include the following information in your email request:
- Recipient’s first and last name
- Address
- Ending deployment date