The next Cedar Rapids Corvette Club monthly meeting will be held at Pat McGrath Chevyland on May 19th at 6:30 pm.
They meet in our New Car receiving facility the third Thursday of every month. CRCC has been a club member of NCCC since 1965 and has been active in national competition and social events ever since. The purpose of NCCC is to promote interest and enthusiasm in Corvette ownership and to provide an organized effort to encourage others to participate in the enjoyment connected with THE American sports car. CRCC members have the opportunity to join the 18,333 plus individual NCCC members and enjoy great fun and benefits.
The Agenda this week includes:
A guest speaker will be there prior to the normal 7:00 pm meeting time.
- Welcome & Vote in Potential New Members
- Good & Wellness
- Review & Approve the Previous Meeting’s Minutes
- Review & Approve the Financial Report
- Officers Reports
- Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjourn
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