This year our Davenport Used Car Superstore partnered with CrossFit 563, in Bettendorf, as their athletes compete in the 2017 CrossFit Open! This is a five week event that qualifies the athletes for the CrossFit games. Each week the members encourage each other through the workouts.
Derek Fox, General Manager, has always held health and fitness as a top priority in his life. He always encourages his employees and friends to make healthy, smart choices in their lives. The Davenport Used Car Superstore has many employees that dedicate time and effort to improving their health outside of work.
Have you ever wondered about CrossFit and what it entails? Jake Ledvina, owner of CrossFit 563, is here to answer common questions!
What is CrossFit?
-CrossFit, by definition, is constantly varied, functional movements performed at a high intensity. Our workouts are a combination of weight lighting, gymnastics, and conditioning done in a group setting and led by a CrossFit coach.
Is it as intimidating as it sounds?
-Common misconception, we are NOT what you have seen on T.V. or YouTube. Our average member is a 30-40 working adult with one or multiple kids, not an elite athlete. All of our class workouts are designed are scaled or modified to fit any fitness or skill level-from the stay at home parent, daily office worker, to former college athlete.
Why is different then a normal gym?
-Each class is 100% coach led, from the warm-up to the cool-down. During class, our coaches provide direction to help each individual athlete get the most out of each workout. We make sure you are properly warmed up, moving safely throughout the entire class, and get better every day!
What if I’m not into weights, barbells, or gymnastics?
-We also have ‘SWEAT’ classes similar to your boot camp class that are typically longer workouts, more conditioning based, more body weight, and less high skilled gymnastics and weight lifting.
What is your schedule?
– We have classes daily, at 5, 6, 9, and 11:30 AM, noon, 4, 5, and 6 PM. Saturdays at 7, 8, & 9 PM and Sundays at 2 PM. As we continue to grow we continue to add other class times as well!
How big are the classes?
-Our average class size is 10-12 athletes, with a max of 15 per class. This ensures everyone gets the one-on-one coaching attention they deserve.
What is included in my membership?
-We have unlimited and 3-class per week membership to fit all schedules. Included in your membership, we have a babysitter daily during 9am and 4pm class on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Babysitting is also available on Saturday classes and 8 and 9am. We have two large bathrooms and a shower for those coming to or from work or class.
How do I get started?
-Step 1 is to set up a “no sweat” intro with Coach Jake, where you can see the gym, learn a little more about Crossfit, and most importantly, discuss your goals and how we can help you get there. Step 2, complete “On Ramp”, our introduction program, one-on-one with a Crossfit 563 Coach where we’ll teach you all you need to know so you feel safe and confident in regular classes. After, “on Ramp” you’re welcome to join our regular classes as they fit your schedule.
I’m ready, lets DO THIS!
-Awesome! You can start by contacting Coach Jake at Jake@crossfit563.com or calling 563.484.0809 to set up your no sweat intro and trial week! www.crossfit563.com