It was a wonderful year for us here at McGrath Auto and expectations for 2011 are certainly bright! New Year’s Eve is a time to reflect on the past year’s accomplishments, make resolutions for the future, and, of course, to celebrate with family and friends! However, it is extremely important to exercise caution when drinking, on behalf of others as well as yourself.
Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving
The commercials you see on a regular basis are no joke, buzzed driving IS drunk driving, and getting behind the wheel after a few too many drinks could lead to devastating tragedy. By drinking and driving you are putting YOUR life at risk, as well as the lives of anyone who may cross your path. On top of that, a DUI conviction could land you in jail and cripple you financially. Not only will you face a fine anywhere from $625 to $1,250, but with the addition of several penalties, attorney fees, OWI classes and missed days of work, you could be looking at a total loss of over $4,000, and that’s just for a first time offense!
About two-thirds of DUI convictions are for first time offenders, so don’t delude yourself into thinking “you’ll be fine”, or you can beat the system. Police don’t care if you “have a high tolerance”, if you are over the limit, you will be arrested. Plan ahead! Get a designated driver or call a taxi. It will cost you a lot less in the long run, it might even save your life! Be sure to watch out for your friends and family as well and don’t let them get behind the wheel if they’ve been drinking! They will thank you for it later.
Show your support to end buzzed driving by pledging to make good decisions by not driving under the influence of alcohol. Visit Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving to take the pledge!