Mel Payne is living proof that the girls do it better than the boys! You’ll find Mel over at Pat McGrath Chevyland in Cedar Rapids six days a week!
Mel patterns her leadership style after Susan B. Anthony, the social activist who played a huge role in the Women’s Suffrage movement. We’re proud to have such a strong personality on our staff! Thanks Mel and welcome to our exclusive club of Emerging Leaders.
Now….just to get to know Mel a little bit:
- She’s originally from Flint, Michigan.
- Mel and her fiancé are cat people, the cat to people ratio at the household a solid 3 to 5.
- Mel is a loyal member of the McGrath Family, yet, whenever she gets out of here, she enjoys the beaches of Hilton Head South Carolina. Beautiful this time of year.
- Like this writer, her first car was a 1994 Ford Probe. Those were popular back in the day.
- She likes what all of us Iowan’s like in August, backyard barbeques, pools and family basketball.
Want to know something kind of weird about Mel Payne?
She can use her toes like fingers. Her closet nickname is “Monkey Toes”? Not only can Mel sell cars, she can use her toes like a chimpanzee!
Joking aside, we’re happy to have Mel as a valued member of the McGrath Family of Dealerships!