Born: I was born in Cedar Rapids and currently live in Atkins
Family/Pets: I have a wonderful girlfriend and daughter, along with 2 American Bulldogs, and a cat.
First Job: I neither hated it nor loved it , but my first job was lawn care.
Career So Far: Currently work at McGrath Powersports and and I am constantly learning and trying to reach for the next rung of the ladder.
Hobbies/Interest Outside of Work: I enjoy riding ATV’s, building mini bikes/Go Karts, and watching movies.
Something About You That Would Surprise Others: I am good at cooking.
Accomplishment You Are Proud Of: I am proud of my car collection. I have one 1949 Ford Rat Rod and I am currently building a drag car I hope to compete with.
Something You Want To Do Before You Die: I want race my car in drag week, a week long drag race competition.
Passion That Fires You Up: My family!
Someone You Admire: My dad, he is very hard working, family oriented, but always spares a little time for fun!
Definition Of Happiness: Cooking for and hanging out with my family and friends.
Personal Motto: You live, until you die. To me that means that as long as you are still here, you have a purpose and make the best of the situation.
Piece of Advice That You Apply In Life: Treat others the way you want to be treated. To me that can be applied in personal life and work like, from friends to co-workers to customers.
What Do You Hope to Achieve at McGrath: I hope to have a long term career that I can have a balance of work and family time.