Now Jared might not be a face you see very often because he’s hiding under the hood of a car or under the engine of a truck. Meet Jared Lucky! He is one of our amazing Service Technicians at Chevyland. When it comes to McGrath, Jared really enjoys working with his co-workers and the friendships he has developed. Nick Steinke has become one of his good friends and has even impacted Jared’s career for the better!
When Jared isn’t working hard fixing or working on vehicles he is outside! He likes to golf and go boating during the summer months. Jared likes to golf so much that he would love to be able to go to Ireland and play there! Hopefully it doesn’t rain!
Jared is recently engaged to his wonderful fiance, Tara! They’ve been together for three years and looking forward to what the future has in store for them.
Fun facts about Jared:
- His first vehicle was a 1998 Ford Taurus
- He can stand on his head
If you would like to meet Jared, stop into the Service Department at Chevyland!
Oh, and Craig Neves, Jared nominated you for the next emerging leaders class!